Friday, October 31, 2008

More Magic!

We made it back from Disney late on Friday night. We decided to leave on Friday instead of Saturday because it was going to be raining all day. We arrived in Houston without a hitch and then found out they had canceled some Dallas flights that morning. Needless to say we sat in the Houston airport for NINE long hours trying to get home. We knew we would get there eventually so we just stayed put. Trying to fly on a Friday, non-rev, is never easy. For those of you who don’t know the terminology non-rev aka FREE! We were all tired by the time we got home, but I have to say the kids were real troopers. Thank goodness they have remodeled that airport and we had some decent choices for our two meals.

We all had a great time and enjoyed ourselves tremendously. We’ve already decided we want to go back in two years. There is so much to see and the fireworks and parades were awesome. Kynlee enjoyed all the rides, especially the roller coasters. The faster the better and she could not get enough. Then we have Carson. Poor Carson had to spend some time waiting while two of us took Kynlee on a few rides. We tried to find something for him to do in the meantime. I say poor Carson because we did drag that kid on a few rides he really did not want any part of. We only did this on a few that we knew once he got on it would be fine, and then there is always that one that in the end you feel kind of bad about. The last ride was the Hotel Tower of Terror that you ride in an elevator to an old spooky hotel and the elevator drops a few stories and goes back up and drops again. You know the way a cat looks if you drop it and all fours are stretched to the max and their face has that terror in it, well that’s pretty much how he looked during that ride. At this point Scott and I are feeling like awful parents. In the end, he was just fine and didn’t think it was that awful! We certainly didn’t put him on there kicking and screaming just a lot of protests. He has never been one for fast rides and may never like them.

They had a great time getting autographs from the characters and having their pictures taken. I honestly didn’t think they would get into that very much. I was wrong and they were excited every time we happened upon a character and had to get that autograph. If the lines were too long they didn’t care to wait so that worked out great for us. J

On our last day Kynlee got a great surprise. In the afternoon after being at Epcot all day we decided to head back over to Hollywood Studios for a few last rides. Once we got there and were headed to a ride we saw a small group starting to gather in the middle of the street with a cameraman. As we got closer we realized that the Cheetah Girls had arrived to film a small segment. We got to watch the filming and take some pictures; however, they were not signing autographs. One of the PR ladies with Disney walked up to Kynlee and asked for her name. She took a picture over to the girls who each autographed it for her. She was the only one we saw get this special autographed picture. Needless to say she was on cloud nine and thought this was the perfect end to our trip.

Not the best picture, but they weren't posing!

Here is a picture of the kids at the T-Rex Café in Downtown Disney. It’s brand new and the kids really liked it. It’s owned by the same company that has the Rainforest Café so the set up is the same except with dinosaurs instead of the rain forest. It was really neat.

Next up…… Halloween!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


We made it! For those of you who don't know we planned a surprise trip to Disney World for the kids. Don't feel bad we didn't tell many because we didn't want the kids to catch on. We arrived on Saturday and they were thrilled. They were led to believe we were going to Corpus because that would be normal. We told them while we were waiting in New Orleans for our connecting flight and at first I don't think they really believed us. It took a little while for it to set in. They were so excited when we arrived and we are having a great time. I promised some pictures so here they are. We've had a busy two days and I'm about to drop so I'll post more later. Enjoy the pics for now!




Thursday, October 9, 2008


How time flies! I know I have not been near as good at posting as I had hoped. We've had an interesting Octoboer already. Our septic has gone bust and now we're in the process of having a new one installed, better I hope than the last one. It was quite a site seeing the guys out there knee deep in mud and yuck trying to find the problem. I really should've taken a picture of that. Now the fence, that I so desperatly need, is on hold for a while to say the least.

We had open house at the kids school tonight and got a funny story from Carson's teacher. She said that at recess today he walked over as white as a ghost and said he felt real sick to his stomach. She said his little eyes were in a daze and asked him if he'd just gotten off the tire swing. She immediatly knew what the problem was. Other kids get to pushing and if you stay on too long the dizziness and nausea kicks in. He laid out across her lap for a good ten minutes and she said he did not move a muscle. She was afraid when it was time to go in she was going to have to carry him. I guess the ten minutes of stillness was all he needed. He got up and was ready for lunch. I heard the story right after school, but of course miss all the good details. I guess he will be staying clear of the tire swing for a while. He knows once he's on he can't always get the other kids to stop so he can get off. Meanies :)

For those of you who don't know, I'm going to be an aunt again. Scott's sister, Stephanie, is expecting in late March. We are all soooo excited to have another baby around. Kynlee is so excited she can hardly stand it. The night she got the news from her Aunt Stephi she started screaming and jumping on the bed. I guess if she can't have another baby brother or sister the next best thing is a baby cousin. She's finally realized no matter how many times she asks, the answer will be the same, NO! We're all good in that department.

Carson joined Boy Scouts last month and he's very excited about it. He thinks he should have a meeting every few days. Here is a picture of him in his new uniform.

Kynlee got to walk in our homecoming parade with a friend's miniture horses. It was a long walk, but they were real troopers. That's one thing I love about our small town. When there is a parade, the whole town comes! It was actually pretty long for a little town like Maypearl. Anyone can have a float, so that explains a lot. Here is a pic from that.

I'll have more pics in about two weeks so check back. We'll having something fun to post about.